App How-To
This is the overview of the Arcanum's interface
Last updated
This is the overview of the Arcanum's interface
Last updated
On the Token page (for this example we use Arbitrun Index on testnet ($ARBI), you'll see the chart representing the $ARBI's price.
The right console is dedicated for minting and burning of $ARBI and swap of assets in the $ARBI's underlying pool.
Token selection drop-down shows the assets contained in the pool and between which you can swap.
Deviation shows the deviation from the target share of the corresponsing token in the pool in %. +% indicates that the amount of the token is more than the target share, -% - the shortage.
The base fee - the platform's commission, for swaps is equal 0,03%. The deviation fee is added when you increase the current deviation of the token.
Let's say, you want to buy $MCB, which has a positive deviation, with $GNS, which also has a positive deviation. In this case you'll decrease the number of $MCB in the pool (good action) but add more $GNS (bad action). In this case you'll not incur fees from the $MCB side but will have to pay additional deviation ees for adding more $GNS to the pool.
Maximum send: the maximum amount of tokens you'll pay in the case of the maximal slippage.
Minimum receive: the minimum amount of tokens you'll receive in case of the maximal slippage.
Price 1: current price of the token 1.
Price 2: current price of the token 2.
Cashback 1: the amount of tokens in the corresponding asset you'll get for your pool balancing swaps (good actions). Cashback equal 0 means that your action was not directed towards balance.
Cashback 2: the amount of tokens in the corresponding asset you'll get for your pool balancing swaps (good actions). Cashback equal 0 means that your action was not directed towards balance.
Fee: platform fee (base fee or base fee + deviation fee).
Transaction cost: cost of the transaction on the blockchain.
Target share: the share of the corresponding asset in the pool in its equilibrium state.
Target share: the share of the corresponding asset in the pool in its current state.
Price: current price of the asset.
Quantity: current amount of assets in the pool (at the current share).
Market cap: current market cap of the token.